Si uno está generando la información a enviar puede usar el siguiente método:
var LJSONObject: TJSONObject; begin LJSONObject:= TJSONObject.Create; LJSONObject.AddPair(TJSONPair.Create(TJSONString.Create('Hola'), TJSONString.Create('Mundo')));
Rápido y sencillo verdad?
Pero digamos que tenemos que utilizar un header predefinido como éste:
const GJSONString =
'{'+ '"glossary": {'+ '"title": "example glossary",'+ '"GlossDiv": {'+ '"title": "S",'+ '"GlossList": {'+ '"GlossEntry": {'+ ' "ID": "SGML",'+ '"SortAs": "SGML",'+ '"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",'+ '"Acronym": "SGML",'+ '"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",'+ '"GlossDef": {'+ '"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",'+ '"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]'+ '},'+ '"GlossSee": "markup"'+ '}'+ '}'+ '}'+ '}'+ '}';
Entonces se utiliza la funcion parser del objeto TJSONObject de ésta manera:
procedure ConsumeJsonBytes; var LJSONObject: TJSONObject; begin LJSONObject := nil; try LJSONObject := TJsonObject.Create; { convert String to JSON } LJSONObject.Parse(BytesOf(GJSONString), 0); { output the JSON to console as String } Writeln(LJSONObject.ToString); finally LJSONObject.Free; end; end;
Produciendo el objeto deseado.
Thanks for sharing this. I was looking for an article like this. Informatica Read Json